
Symbol libraries

Symbol libraries

Sclera Symbols

ElineSpeaks 1.4 uses embedded Sclera symbols.

Unfortunately, after 10 years of intensive volunteer work, the Sclera symbol library has been paused for family reasons.

Download all Sclera icons here in English.

ElineSpeaks 2.2 uses the Mulberry & Imagine symbols as standard.

A translation engine can in Dutch & German are searched in the English database.

Mulberry Symbols

The free, coloured Mulberry symbols and line drawings from the Straight-street website.

To the website

Imagine Symbols

A nice set of free, coloured symbols with transparent background.

The website has unfortunately disappeared.


Free coloured icons and line drawings. Very suitable for a younger audience.

Beta black and white Free black and white beta prints.

Only for personal use within the family or class.


Symbol ‘system’ to support communication. Can be ordered via the Beta website.

Visitaal pictograms

Black-white pictograms with the name above it.

Tickets and software can be ordered via the Visitaal website.

The Noun Project

English website with free black and white pictograms as vector files.


Printed line drawings with color accents that can be ordered via the Kidspicto website.

PCS Symbols

Symbol set that can be purchased via software.

Widgit symbols

Symbol set that can be purchased via software.


Symbols that can be consulted online via a subscription.

Bliss Online

Zoek website and download the Bliss symbols free of charge.

De Schoolbrug

Free brightly coloured icons. Intended for supporting correspondence between school and family.

Talk to each other

Free black and white icons. Intended for supporting correspondence between school and family.

Picto France

Free line drawings.


Printed line drawings for different themes and purposes. Can be ordered via the website.


ree line drawings as support for daily life. English website. To the website Ian’s Shoelace site Beautiful and free images to learn how to knot your shoe. English Website. To the website Swimmers Free line drawings as support for swimming. Click on ‘SWIMMING POINTS’ to find the images. To the website